Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A new take on "advertising"

Here is the deal with advertising on my blog...I can't keep up with it. I love the idea of it. I love supporting other small business. Especially the etsy-based ones. I just can't ever remember to takes ads down and send people renewal emails. Consider it one too many things on my plate.

So, because this is my blog and I can do what I want, I have decided to shake things up. Here is what I am proposing...Free advertising. Yes, free. If you have a blog, I would love for you to put my ad up for free too. However, if you don't have a blog, that will not hinder your chance at getting a free space here.

Email me your shop, your 160x160 ad, your blog (if you have one) and a little about yourself. If I think you and your shop are a good fit for Noodles & Milk readers and I have the space, you will be "in". I will leave your ad up (at least a month) until enough people apply and there needs to be a rotation.

That is all of the details that I have worked out so far. I know there will be a bunch of kinks and stuff that has to be worked out along the way and I will figure that out later. I will also consider still hosting a few giveaways if shops are interested.

Anyways, if you are a stay-at-home mom with an etsy shop or just have a crafting business on the side and are interested in free advertising, please email me at noodlesandmilk@gmail.com to apply for a space. More details to come as I figure this out.

Hope you are as excited about this as I am. I think this is going to be really fun!



  1. I've considered this same type of thing--it's about supporting each other! I'd love to know if it works well as time goes on.

  2. Fun! Thanks for a neat twist on advertising.

  3. Wow, thanks for such an amazing offer!

  4. I'm right there with you!
    That's why you're getting another month of free ad space on a little etsy love! :)
