Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can I get your opinion?

I am trying to work on updating the look of my pattern covers. Obviously there is a lot involved including photography, editing, design, etc. I am certainly not an expert in any of these areas but I feel like I do a good-enough job to get by for now.
Anyways, what I am battling with is whether to use images of just the garments or garments on a model. After doing some research, it appears that different designers go different ways and there is not really a right or wrong.
Ideally, I want my covers to appeal to customers searching for patterns on etsy and also in their local sewing shop. I would love to get an opinion.What do you think? Do you have a preference? If you saw the two, which is more appealing?
(Yes, this is a new pattern and will be in the shop in the next couple weeks!)
In addition, do you think that all the patterns need to have the same appearance or could some have a model and some have just the garment? I would love to hear all the feedback you can give me! If you are more comfortable emailing instead of leaving comments, you can email me at


[AnnieR] said...

Here's my opinion: a model is much more appealing than a dress on a hanger. I relate to a little girl wearing a dress much more than I do a lifeless dress on a hanger. I see the cute little girl modeling the dress and instantly envision my own cute girl wearing it. The dress on the hanger invokes no such feelings.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture on the model --it gives the image of how it hangs and looks on a real child.

[AnnieR] said...

One more thing--to see the dress on a person, you can see how it fits. If someone only showed me a dress on a hanger, I might be a little suspicious that the dress doesn't fit well on a body and that's why they aren't showing it that way.

Vanessa Hewell said...

Definitely think the cover with model is better!

*a cute kid is always an attention getter :)

*customer gets a better idea of how the finished item will look/fit

I don't think you necessarily have to have all the covers the same but would really lean towards having the garment modeled if possible! Just my 2 cents.

Lynn Poulin said...

I like to see a pattern modelled on a real child to get an idea of sizing and fit and just the overall appeal of a pattern. BTW--love the new pattern!

Mommy Jenny said...

I don't have much of an imagination, so I always prefer to see it on somebody to get an idea of things like length. But I don't see any reason you can't do it both ways.

Kristine said...

I like the garments on a model, that way you can see how the the fabric lays, how it is supposed to fit, etc. However, I hate when you can't really see what the garment looks like! Then, it seems a little pointless. Good luck with your decision!

Rebekah Truba said...

Definitely with the model! She's a doll and it really showcases the fit and style of the outfits.

Unknown said...

I love them with the model. I think that it gives you a better idea of how the item will fit.

J A Hynek said...

The cover with the model. Beautiful children sell things so much better than simply the clothes themselves.

Ashley N said...

I really think you should utilize your precious little model. And I say that in all seriousness, and not just as flattery. She is a doll, she is precious in the things you make, and I really think she "sells" the pattern well. You may not be a professional photographer, but you clearly have some skill in that area, because your photos on your patterns do not come off "snapshot" or "homemade" like...they have a professional quality to them. I really think keep doing what you're doing...and I love the new pattern!

Nancy said...

I love the picture with the cute little model. It makes the dress come to life. Then there are accessories in her hair and the dress becomes a whole look. Cute dress, by the way(and a sweet little model too!)

Meghann said...

With Emy...hands down!!!

SewSweetStitches said...

Of course we're all going to say on the model when it's your little doll! Man she is cute, but I bet nobody's ever told you that before right?

In this particular example, when I can tear my eyes from her cute little face, I notice how full the skirt is in comparison to how it looks on the hanger.
On the other hand, I have a much easier time customizing the fabrics to my personal taste when it's shown on the hanger. I have no idea why, but there it is.

PS. I'm madly in love with that dress!

Cherie said...

I prefer to see the outfit on a model. It's easier to see how it fits rather than just laying flat.

Cherie said...

I prefer to see the outfit on a model. It's easier to see how it fits rather than just laying flat.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture with a model. Especially when she is as cute as your little model!! You are so very talented!!

Melissa said...

I was instantly more drawn to the dress with the model. I think it depends on the type of pattern you're selling whether you need a model or not. I don't think they all need to have models. But with clothing, it's nice to see how it fits.

Catherine said...

No question for me - - the dress is more appealing {and the packaging looks more professional to me} on the model. I vote for consistency in packaging too, so I think whatever you decide it is best if you do the same thing for all patterns.

Kady L. said...

In my opinion I would be more apt to buy the pattern when there is a model wearing it. Seeing just an image of the dress isn't enough for me.

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