Friday, December 3, 2010

Tips for Etsy Success- Activity Feed

Hey fellow shop owners. Have you checked out etsy's new feature, the activity feed? It is so cool!

After you login to etsy, on the top there is a link titled "activity feed". Click on it and you will see this:

This feature lets you know what happens to your shop everyday- what purchases are made, who hearts an item and who adds you to their favorites. Isn't that awesome?!

I think this feature will be super helpful for your business because it lets you see what items are getting the most hits. You can then take this information and run with it- have a special promo for those items, make more of them in similar colors/fabrics, etc.

Another great thing you can do with this information is build relationships, kind of like with social networking. If a customer or shop adds you to their favorites, check out their stuff too and you might just find a new favorite.




amy said...

I love this now feature, it is great, makes a few things a LOT easier! :)

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